My Services

  • I provide diagnostic evaluations prior to starting treatment or as a standalone service. This process informs my treatment recommendations and allows us to thoughtfully collaborate to plan the next steps. Evaluations are individualized but may include: client interview, parent interview, behavioral observations, questionnaires, and communication with teachers and other service providers (with your permission).

  • For individual therapy, I provide evidence-based strategies that are tailored to clients’ unique challenges and areas of strength. The recommended length and frequency of sessions varies based on need. The initial diagnostic evaluation will inform the extent to which parent involvement in treatment is recommended.

  • I support parents by providing information and tools for improving their child’s ability to manage their emotions and reducing conflict. Depending on the child’s age and presenting concern, I may recommend standalone parent training as the gold-standard approach. Parenting sessions can also be used to supplement a child’s individual therapy or when a child is not ready or willing to participate in therapy. Behavior Parent Training is the recommended therapy for children with ADHD. I am also trained in SPACE (Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions), which is a parent-based treatment program for children and adolescents with anxiety, OCD, and related problems.

  • PCIT is an evidence-based treatment for children ages 2 through 7 with disruptive behavior. It has been adapted to treat other conditions, such as anxiety too. Parents are coached during interactions with their child in real time video, using a bug-in-the-ear system. This live coaching allows for immediate, targeted feedback from the provider, which makes PCIT a highly effective approach for addressing the child behavior problems.

  • Additional services I provide include:

    Community and Parent Workshops

    Psychology Training and Supervision

    School-wide Behavior Management Consultation and Staff Trainings


    Media Interviews